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Pi发布第一个试点Pi应用 (5月6日)—来自第三方的FeverIQ



Introducing Pi Apps platform prototype and the first pilot app

We are introducing a limited release of Pi’s Platform prototype and the first 3rd-party app today. As announced last week, we are adopting an iterative user-centric design process to develop the Pi Apps platform, in which the Core Team will have limited releases of the platform prototypes and initial apps during Q2 2020. The interfaces, functionalities, and accessibility of the platform and initial apps will change over the course of the prototyping and testing period before being finalized.

Every Pioneer can participate in the platform prototype testing and use the initial apps, and only the transfer of Pi to the 3rd-party apps requires passing KYC, which will be rolled out to more Pioneers in the next few weeks. The first app FeverIQ is introduced below and in the video on the home screen. Pi will not share any data about Pioneers with the FeverIQ app, except for their Pi username which is necessary for processing any in-app transfers of Pi and will be only shared with explicit consent by the Pioneer; any data you submit inside the FeverIQ app will not be shared with the Pi Network either. All Pioneers can participate in FeverIQ by contributing information about what, if any, symptoms they are experiencing without compromising their privacy due to FeverIQ’s privacy-preserving technology. Pioneers can also donate Pi to support FeverIQ if they agree with its cause and have passed KYC. Given the alignment between Pi Network’s value of a distributed global community and the mission of FeverIQ to fight against the pandemic, the Core Team has decided to donate 10,000 Pi from our Developer Fund to the FeverIQ app to reward Pioneers for their contributions of symptoms reports. Below is the detailed introduction of FeverIQ.

Pi发布第一个试点Pi应用 (5月6日)—来自第三方的FeverIQ



每个先驱者都可以参与平台原型测试并使用初始应用程序,只有将Pi转移到第三方应用程序时才需要通过KYC,未来几周将会有更多先驱者推出KYC。第一个应用程序是下面介绍的和在主屏幕上的视频。Pi将不会与发烧iq应用程序共享任何关于先锋的数据,除非他们的Pi用户名是处理Pi在应用程序内的任何传输所必需的,并且只有在先锋明确同意的情况下才能共享;您在本应用程序中提交的任何数据也不会与Pi网络共享。所有的拓荒者都可以通过提供他们所经历的症状的信息来参与到“发烧iq”项目中来,而不会因为“发烧iq”的隐私保护技术而损害他们的隐私。先锋们也可以捐赠圆周率来支持发烧iq,如果他们同意它的事业并且通过了KYC。考虑到Pi网络的全球分布式社区价值和发烧iq抗击大流行的使命之间的一致性,核心团队决定从我们的开发者基金中向发烧iq应用程序捐赠10,000 Pi,以奖励那些对症状报告做出贡献的开拓者。下面是关于发烧的详细介绍。


Introduction of FeverIQ

The FeverIQ app is created by a startup company in Palo Alto, California, called Enya. Alan Chiu, co-founder and CEO of Enya, and Jan Liphardt, an engineering professor at Stanford University and co-founder of Enya, are presenting FeverIQ in today’s video. Below is the transcript of their video:

Hi! My name is Alan, co-founder and CEO of Enya, a privacy-preserving analytics startup based in Palo Alto, California, and today we are excited to launch FeverIQ on Pi.

Hi! My name is Jan, I’m an engineering professor and co-founder of Enya. I know Nicolas because Nicolas and I teach one of Stanford’s blockchain classes, and the two of us realize there’s an opportunity to build something very interesting.

We created FeverIQ with input from Stanford researchers to bring you the first privacy-preserving survey and map of Covid-19 symptoms at the neighborhood level. By simply checking in every day with how you are feeling, and your test result if you get tested, you help predict where new cases are developing and which symptoms are most indicative of the disease. This is especially important to track the disease in places where testing infrastructure is limited, and to help people with COVID find the right resources for them.

At Enya, we think that the internet needs fundamentally new approaches for reconciling analytics with privacy. We built FeverIQ on our privacy-preserving platform. We use cryptographic techniques like secure multiparty computation and fully homomorphic encryption to allow data sharing and analytics without compromising your privacy. You don’t have to worry about someone else learning about your identity, location, or symptoms.

FeverIQ allows you to securely share your symptoms. You can see a map that updates in real time and shows you the symptoms that other people around you have shared. If you report your test result you will help scientists better understand which symptoms are most predictive of Covid-19. The discoveries from your contribution will also help policy makers manage the pace of reopening the economy.

Because of Enya’s privacy-preserving technology, nobody knows your location or personal information – not even us. We downsample the location to 1km resolution, and never collect any identifiable information about you.

We are excited to work with you to help stop the spread of Covid-19 and to help your neighborhood re-open safely. Together, we’ll tackle one of the most pressing health challenges of the century, while demonstrating the value of Pi’s distributed, global community.

With FeverIQ, you can see what other people around you are saying, you can help scientists better understand the disease, and you can help policy makers make better decisions about how to restart the economy. I’ve been entering my symptoms once a day, and it would be amazing if you could come join us and do that too. Thank you!



这款名为“发烧智商”的应用程序是由加州帕洛阿尔托一家名为Enya的初创公司开发的。在今天的视频中,Enya的联合创始人兼首席执行官Alan Chiu和斯坦福大学工程学教授、Enya的联合创始人Jan Liphardt将为大家展示他们的产品。以下是他们的视频记录:









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