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Almost 150,000 Pioneers installed the node, and more than 50,000 of nodes are active on a daily basis. From those nodes, we identified that about 10,000 of them show an early indication that they will be nodes constantly on. From those 10,000, we identified about 3,000 nodes that also have correctly opened their network ports. While nodes with only Docker installation can validate transactions on the Testnet, Supernodes at the moment require specific ports open for network connection and will participate in the consensus algorithm of the blockchain. We hope we do not have to require open ports in future versions of the software through the employment of automated NAT-traversal techniques to run a supernode, but this is still needed at the moment. In addition, we’re aware that the ports of some nodes are inaccessible due to some of the internet providers in some locations, even though the ports were set up correctly. We’re trying to resolve this issue so that more nodes with correct open ports are reachable. One necessary but not sufficient metric that we consider in the Supernode selection is the consistency of availability and stability of their internet connection to the network. Therefore, we will first focus on selecting candidates for Supernodes, i.e. ones with the right ports open and staying active consistently, although both nodes and supernodes are very important in securing the network. These Supernode candidates will be invited to pass KYC within this week and in the following weeks on a rolling basis. KYC for nodes will come later. The next step in the node selection process is to test run the consensus algorithm on these Supernode candidates. Technically, this means we’ll swap the Docker container that currently can be activated on the node interface for the purpose of network statistics with a Docker container that runs the consensus algorithm. After the test run of the blockchain, we will provide more reports about the performance of these participating Supernode candidates and then will make the final selection. Right now, the candidacy of Supernodes does not guarantee the final selection as Supernodes on the Testnet, but it means the candidate provides the necessary stability and accessibility that Supernodes require and will help us test run the blockchain in the selection period. If you intend to be selected as a supernode candidate, we encourage you to update the Pi Node to the most recent version, which enables us to capture all the eligible candidates for Supernodes. Specifically, check your version at the bottom of the side menu in the node software. If you have 0.1.0, please update your node version by either clicking the update popup prompt in the interface or downloading the new version on node.minepi.com from you computer. The latest version is 0.2.0. 


Pi节点更新 几乎有15万个Pi用户安装了这个节点,每天有超过5万个节点处于活动状态。从这些节点中,这些节点,我们发现其中大约有10000个显示了一个早期的迹象,表明它们将是持续的节点。在这10,000个节点中,我们确定了大约3,000个节点也正确地打开了它们的网络端口。只有Docker安装的节点可以在Testnet上验证事务,而此时的超级节点需要为网络连接打开特定的端口,并将参与到区块链的协商一致算法中。我们希望在软件的未来版本中,不必通过使用自动的nat遍历技术来运行超节点来要求打开端口,但是目前仍然需要这样做。此外,我们知道,由于某些位置的internet提供者的原因,有些节点的端口是不可访问的,即使这些端口已正确设置。我们正试图解决这个问题,以便能够访问更多具有正确打开端口的节点。 我们在超节点选择中考虑的一个必要但不充分的度量是它们的internet连接到网络的可用性和稳定性的一致性。因此,我们将首先重点选择超节点的候选节点,即具有正确打开端口并始终保持活动状态的节点,尽管节点和超节点在确保网络安全方面都非常重要。这些超级节点候选人将被邀请在本周内通过KYC,并在接下来的几周内滚动通过。稍后将提供节点的KYC。节点选择过程的下一步是在这些超节点候选节点上测试运行协商一致算法。从技术上讲,这意味着我们将把当前可以在节点接口上激活的Docker容器与运行协商一致算法的Docker容器进行交换,以实现网络统计的目的。在区块链的测试运行之后,我们将提供关于这些参与超级节点候选节点的性能的更多报告,然后进行最终的选择。现在,候选超节点并不能保证最终选择作为Testnet上的超节点,但是它意味着候选提供了必要的稳定性和可访问性,这是超节点所需要的,并且将帮助我们在选择期间测试运行区块链。 如果您打算被选为超级节点候选节点,我们建议您将Pi节点更新到最新版本,这将使我们能够捕获超级节点的所有合格候选节点。具体来说,在node软件的侧菜单底部检查您的版本。如果您使用的是0.1.0版本,请通过单击界面中的更新弹出提示或从您的计算机上从node.minepi.com下载新版本来更新您的节点版本。最新版本是0.2.0。


原创文章,作者:Pi Network,如若转载,请注明出处:https://www.314pi.info/realtimeinfo/pinode/1148.html


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